Zitate und Sprüche von Gerard "Sully" Sullivan

Zitate und Sprüche von Gerard "Sully" Sullivan

Only the fittest survive in this concrete jungle.
Ain't no friends in the game, only allies.
You can't be half in and half out. You'll get eaten alive.
Just because we didn't lose, doesn't mean we won.
The game don't respect weakness. You gotta come hard or not at all.

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Ats Ayittey: "Excuse me but this is the quiet carriage."
Stefan Tovell: "Shut the f*ck up then."
Top Boy - Staffel 3 Episode 7
Trust is a luxury we can't afford in this game.
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Money ain't the only power that exists in this world.
You win some, you lose some. But you keep going, no matter what.
Can't let your emotions cloud your judgement. That's the quickest way to fall.
Always stay humble, even when you're on top.
You ain't got no loyalty in this game. Everyone's out for themselves.
Game recognises game, Sinita. That's how it is.
You don't have to be in the streets to be a hustler. You just need to know how to play your cards right.
In this life, you have to create your own opportunities. No one's gonna hand them to you.
Where I come from life is a risk. You either step up and take your chances when they come, if not you ain't going nowhere.
You're either a predator or prey out here. Choose wisely.
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Lauryn: "Es würde dir gut tun mal ne Runde zu tanzen. Nur eine Nacht."
Shelley: "Nein. Ich bin single, ja, aber nicht notgeil."
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Ever since we were kids bruv, together running up and down these streets, tryin' to get to the top. What for?
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Häufig fragt sie sich, was es eigentlich bedeutet, frei zu sein. War es nicht so, dass man, kaum war man dem einen Gefängnis glücklich entronnen, nur wieder in ein anderes, noch schlimmeres geriet?
Weißt du, es ist eigenartig. Da draußen zählte ich zu den ehrlichsten Menschen, eine ganz ehrliche Haut. Ein Gauner bin ich erst im Gefängnis geworden.
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You know what they do to handsome guy like me in prison. It rhymes with grape.
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Hier geht es nicht um Gut oder Böse, es geht um Macht - und wem es erlaubt ist, sie zu nutzen.

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