Zitate und Sprüche aus dem Diablo Universum

Zitate und Sprüche aus dem Diablo Universum

Hier findest du die besten Zitate und Sprüche aus Diablo. Mit Diablo II: Resurrected und Diablo Immortal wurden dem Diablo Franchise weitere Spiele hinzugefügt. 2023 ist mit Diablo IV das neuste Spiel der Reihe erschienen. Außerdem wurde bei der BlizzCon 2023 mit Vessel of Hatred eine Erweiterung für Diablo IV angekündigt.

We have each played a part in what has happened here. You abdicated your choice to this... child. And with every step she takes, I grow stronger. There will be no salvation in the Light.
Mephisto in Diablo - IV: Vessel of Hatred
Was wir suchen und was wir brauchen sind meist unterschiedliche Dinge.
Inarius in Diablo - IV
Hatred has returned, and she shall not relent until she has corrupted us all. But somewhere in the shadow of her Darkness you must cast your Light, to find hope in a flash of steel, a wrath of nature, or power of flame. You must stand up to hatred, or she will destroy us all. Your time is now.
Diablo - IV
Sanctuary was never meant for humankind. It was forged as a refuge from the war between the high heavens and the burning hells. Instead, it became a new battleground in this eternal conflict. A secretive group called the Horadrim has kept mortals save. But now this once powerful order is a husk of what it was. And Sanctuary's ancient creators have returned to claim the hearts of humankind. This is the story of their downfall.
Diablo - IV
I strayed from your Light and found my trade in the Shadows. They call it murder. I say job well done.
Rogue in Diablo - IV
Speak now to those who heed a darker call. Those bold enough to cross the line of Sin for deeper knowledge, who'll follow an unquenchable yearning born of blood and bone to unlock the forbidden secrets and foulest black rituals, calling forth life from death. To truly embrace this power, you must take it into the world. But you will be shunned, scorned, marked as a living sacrifice to this profane knowledge. You will be a Priest of Rathma. A Necromancer. And you will not confront the darkness alone. We are the Speakers of the Dead and the Dead have no mercy.
Necromancer in Diablo - IV
Ich habe tagelang gegen den Schlaf gekämpft. Denn wenn ich träumte, kehrten die Erinnerungen zurück.
Marius in Diablo - II: Resurrected
Evil has survived. A dark figure wanders in the East. He must be stopped at all costs.
Tyrael in Diablo - II: Resurrected
Priest: "Thank the Heavens for you."
Rogue: "Heavens? I assure you, Father. The Heavens didn't send me."
Rogue in Diablo - IV
It has been said that in the end of all things, you would find a new beginning. But as the shadow once again crawls across our world, and the stench of terror drifts on a bitter wind, the people pray for strength and guidance. They should pray for the mercy of a swift death, for I have seen what the darkness hides.
Leah in Diablo - IV
You think me mad, old friend. But I know these dreams. They tell of the future. Hell is coming, brother. Hell is coming.
Diablo - IV
Der Weltenstein. Er war die Quelle der Schöpfung und der Ursprung unseres ewigen Konflikts. Von den hohen Himmeln bis in die brennenden Höllen hat unser Wunsch, diese Macht zu beherrschen, sie im Kern vergiftet. Und so gab ich mein Leben, um ihn zu zerstören. Doch seine Verderbnis breitete sich aus. Wenn die Menschheit überleben will, muss sie zusammen stehen und sich der wachsenden Dunkelheit stellen. Auch wenn das nicht genug sein mag.
Tyrael in Diablo - Immortal
This is about as exciting as the time Uncle Deckard and I spent the summer in Bramwell. People are quite boring there.
Leah in Diablo - III
Schließlich breitet der Tod seine Schwingen über alles und jeden aus.
Diablo - Die Tyrael-Chronik
Informationen von Ormus zu bekommen, ist, als würde man einen Ochsen melken.
Meshif in Diablo - II
Hurry now... the sands of time slow for no one!
Deckard Cain in Diablo - II
To a man who only knows Iron, there is no greater magic than Steel. The blacksmith Griswold is more of a sorcerer than he knows. His ability to meld fire and metal is unequaled in this land.
Adria in Diablo - III
Das Recht, eine Krone zu tragen, wird vom Licht verliehen. Um es zu verlieren, ist die Finsternis eines verderbten Herzens nötig.
Templer Kormac in Diablo - II
Eran: "Ich habe nachgedacht..."
Joshua: "Das kann nicht einfach gewesen sein."
Diablo - II
Leah: "Das weckt Erinnerungen."
Templer: "Ich genieße es ebenso, böse Kreaturen in fremden geheimnisvollen Ländern zu jagen."
Leah: "Ich sprach von schönen Erinnerungen."
Templer: "Ich ebenfalls."
Templer in Diablo - III
Since the first spark of creation, angels have waged the eternal conflict to defeat the forces of darkness and corruption.
Deckard Cain in Diablo - II
We do not see what has been done, we only see what remains to be done.
Diablo - II
No weapon can overcome the weakness of an undisciplined mind. They can only serve as an extension of the self.
Tzo Krin in Diablo - II
A life unlived is no different than death.
Diablo - II
The first three were dead before they hit the ground. The others weren't so lucky.
Captain Rumford in Diablo - II
After a while the scars serve as their own layer of armor.
Diablo - II
How will I survive? I don't intend to get hit in the first place. If you even touch me, it's because I allowed it.
Maloth in Diablo - II
Mädchen: "Wir werden hier sterben, nicht wahr?"
Demonenjägerin: "Nein. So lange ich hier bin, sind sie die Beute. Und ich bin die Jägerin."
Demon Hunter in Diablo - III
Aber es gibt noch viel zu tun. Wenn diese Übersetzungen stimmen, könnten die Mächte der Hölle schon aufgebrochen sein. Die Welt muss vor der Finsternis gewarnt werden!
Deckard Cain in Diablo - III
It was then I realized my companion hadn't been gaining strength. He had been losing what was left of his humanity...
Marius in Diablo - II
I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot
When you turn they will be gone
Whispering their hidden song
Then you see what cannot be
Shadows move where light should be
Out of darkness, out of mind
Cast down into the Halls of the Blind
Book of the Blind in Diablo - II
Where the actions of hell seem straight forwardly bent on destruction, the motives of heaven are unfathomable.
Deckard Cain in Diablo - II
Nicht einmal der Tod kann dich vor mir retten!
Diablo - II
Stay awhile and...
Ah, no one ever listens.
Deckard Cain in Diablo - II
Es ward verheißen...
Am Ende aller Dinge...
Stünde ein neuer Anfang.
Diablo - II
Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I could make a suit of court plate good enough for an Emperor!
Griswold in Diablo - II
Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the right foe, is the master of all weapons.
Griswold in Diablo - II
I have spent decades trying to understand the forces at work in this world. But, In the face of all that is transpiring, I realize how meager my knowledge is.
Deckard Cain in Diablo - II
Hallo mein Freund. Bleibt ein Weilchen und hört zu...
Deckard Cain in Diablo - II

Zitate und Sprüche über Diablo

Wait, what? What do you mean, there's lore in this game? You guys actually paid someone to write a story about Raynor meeting Diablo? Isn't this precisely what fan fiction is for?! I didn't approve any of this!
Hier ruhen Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo und Baal (Bitte nicht öffnen)!
Sacred - Grabsteinspruch
Wings, horns, hoofs, what are we saying? Is this Diablo?
Illidan (Night Elf) in Warcraft III Einheitenantworten
Das 'normal' durchspielen [von Diablo 3] ist mehr so der Tutorial-Modus... mit Story.
Stevinho - Stevinho Talks #105 - 13:40

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Lasst sie kommen. Sie werden die Macht der Horde zu spüren bekommen!
Thrall in Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne
Und ich fragte noch: "Wie lange hält der Flugzauber eigentlich an?"
Sacred - Grabsteinspruch
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Stevinho - Stevinho Talks #178 - 1:16:00
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Suchen, finden alles, doch verlieren uns oft?
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Es gibt keinen Tod für den, der ihn nicht zu fürchten braucht.

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