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Es gibt Augenblicke, da machen mitfühlende Worte eine Situation nur noch schlimmer.
Natürlich verletze ich mich selbst. Wenn du keine Stimme hast, musst du auf andere Art schreien.
Ginny Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Wer cool ist, sagt nicht, dass er cool ist.
Ginny Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Du würdest Liebe nicht mal erkennen, wenn man sie dir in den Mund scheißt!
Rebecca Webb in The One - Finde dein perfektes Match - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Eine einzige Haarsträhne und das war's. Wir brauchen nicht mehr, um den einen Menschen zu finden, der sich, genetisch garantiert, in sie verlieben wird.
Rebecca Webb in The One - Finde dein perfektes Match - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Wenn ich mit 'nem Kerl was angefangen hab', war das letztendlich so wie würfeln. Und was kam raus? 'Ne Drei. Gut, vielleicht auch mal 'ne Vier, wenn ich Glück hatte. Wir verdienen doch 'ne Sechs, oder?
Rebecca Webb in The One - Finde dein perfektes Match - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Sogar wenn ich in einer Beziehung war und ganz ehrlich, glauben sie mir, so viele gab's davon nicht, fragte ich mich ständig, ob's nicht noch einen Anderen gäbe. Einen Besseren. Jemand, der geeigneter wäre.
Rebecca Webb in The One - Finde dein perfektes Match - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Lieben sie dich - oder die Maske, die du jeden Tag trägst?
If people refuse to accept you, I'll just accept you even more.
Du warst bereit, ein anderes Lebewesen zu töten, trotzdem hast du Angst davor selbst getötet zu werden. Findest du das nicht seltsam?
Even if everyone else rejects you, it doesn't change the fact that I accept you and I don't want you to leave!
If I can't even trust my lil' sis, what kind of brother would that make me?
Please don't lend your ears to nonsense made by smart scholars and authors.
Every time I come to this world, I'm destroying part of something this wonderful.
Am I even allowed to be here? Is it okay for me to be alive in this world?
I love Shido! This "love" is different form the "love" to everyone else. I want to spend more time with Shido. No, I don't want to disappear. I don't want to be apart from Shido...
Get ready, you spoiled child. You should know that my ego has no end.
Tohka? Are you reffering to me? Forget it. I don't know about motives or whatever. That man. That bastard has made me go through much misery. I'll be damned if I don't avenge that utter disgrace. I couldn't care less about you or that key Spirit, but if you continue to bother me, I won't spare you again, Spirit.
I'll take care of you. If something comes up that we need to deal with, we'll deal with it.
I will take on your sadness. I will stop your anger. If you are at a loss, come to me! Use me if you face a hopeless situation. I won't mind if you throw everything at me. So, whatever you do - please don't feel despair!
Until now, I have been making everyone fall for me to seal their Reiryoku. In that case, now it's everyone's turn to make me fall for you.
It's true that I cannot tolerate what you have done. It won't be enough to atone even if you used your entire lifetime.
You were there for me, you saved me, much like how today, you asked me out on a date and showed me how nice this world is.
It's the truth. There's nothing I can do about it. I don't know how long ago it was, but I was suddenly born there. That's that. My memories are distorted and vague. I have no idea about things such as what kind of being I am.
For you, even falling into hell is not enough!
Thirty years ago, the Spirit that first appeared in this world, the "First Spirit", became the origin of all the Spirits. My intention is to kill it.
There are so many things I don't know about this world.
Tohka. That's my name. Isn't it marvelous?
Das Leben schmeißt keine Partys für dich. Das musst du schon selbst machen!
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 7
Ich war eine Stimme ohne Körper. Ein Körper, aber nicht menschlich. Und jetzt, eine Erinnerung, die real wurde. Wer weiß, zu was ich noch werden kann?
Vision in WandaVision - Staffel 1 Episode 9
Du, Vision, bist der Teil des Gedankensteins, der in mir lebt. Du bist ein Körper aus Drähten und Blut und Knochen, den ich erschaffen habe. Du bist meine Trauer und meine Hoffnung. Aber vor allem bist du meine Liebe.
Wanda Maximoff in WandaVision - Staffel 1 Episode 9
Hab' ich den Ofen angelassen, oder bist du das, du heißes Gerät?
Agatha Harkness in WandaVision - Staffel 1 Episode 9
Die Scarlet Witch wird nicht geboren, sie wird geformt. Sie gehört keinem Zirkel an, benötigt keine Worte, um Zauber zu wirken.
Agatha Harkness in WandaVision - Staffel 1 Episode 9
Die Dinge, vor denen man sich wirklich fürchten sollte, kriechen nicht in der Dunkelheit herum. Sie existieren in uns selbst. Wir sind die Monster.
Ginny Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Aber was ist Trauer, wenn nicht Liebe, die überdauert?
Vision in WandaVision - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Your skin may be a different color, but there is no man alive I'm prouder to call brother!
Sam Wilson in Marvel Comic Bücher - Captain America Vol 1 126
Diesem Schild gerecht zu werden ist... nicht so einfach.
Sam: "How do you know about Gandalf?"
Bucky: "I read 'The Hobbit' in 1937, when it first came out."
A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat.
Sam: "They might be a part of the big three."
Bucky: "What big three?"
Sam: "Androids, aliens and wizards."
Bucky: "That's not a thing."
Sam: "That's definitely a thing."
Sam: "Was geht in deinem Cyborghirn vor?"
Bucky: "Willst du gar nicht wissen!"
Our country is vulnerable. We need new heroes.
A man can't be defined by anyone but himself.
Mohinder: "There's no shame in dying at the hands of one's superior."
Marcel: "There's not much glory in it either."
Unfortunately, violent men must be dealt with violently.
Adam Warlock in Marvel Comic Bücher - Incredible Hulk Vol 1 177
Naked power is seldom the answer to any problem.
Adam Warlock in Marvel Comic Bücher - The Infinity Gauntlet
Emotions seem only to confuse my thinking processes.
Adam Warlock in Marvel Comic Bücher - Warlock Vol 4 2
I order no one, Hulk! For my friendship and help, both freely given, must be freely accepted.
Adam Warlock in Marvel Comic Bücher - Incredible Hulk Vol 1 178
Of course, I should have realized, those Creatures were my own inner Demons. And the Magus. Magus is Latin for Wise Man... Magician... Warlock!
Adam Warlock in Marvel Comic Bücher - Strange Tales Vol 1 178
I am golden, not bronze!
Adam Warlock in Marvel Comic Bücher - Warlock and the Infinity Watch Vol 1 24
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