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Most things are a good excuse for a drink.
You can't feel sorry for yourself. You've got to keep going.
Ich mag keine schwangeren Frauen an meinem Arbeitsplatz. Die beschweren sich immer bloß. Krampfadern hab ich auch, na und? Ich hab geschwollene Knöchel. Ich bin unentwegt hungrig. Meint ihr, meine Nippel werden nicht wund?
Stanley Hudson in The Office - Staffel 5 Episode 4
Jim: "Dwight, du hast der Firma noch nie Zeit gestohlen? Niemals?"
Dwight: "Noch nie."
Michael: "Dafür bist du unser Dieb der Freude."
Michael Scott in The Office - Staffel 5 Episode 3
Hat Putin gestern noch Müttern zum Weltfrauentag gratuliert und heute ein Geburtskrankenhaus bombardieren lassen?
Extra 3 - März 2022
No matter how many stars there are in the sky. No matter how many galaxies swirl beyond our own. No matter what the mathematical probabilities, or the number of times we say, "we are not alone in the universe." Our first visit from the stars is always the province of children's stories and science fiction. Until one day, it isn't.
Das Entscheidende bei der Jagd auf die Jedi ist Geduld. Jedi können nicht aus ihrer Haut. Ihr Mitgefühl hinterlässt eine Spur. Der Jedi Kodex ist wie ein Juckreiz.
Der Kampf ist vorbei. Wir haben verloren. Versteck dich!
Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi - Staffel 1 Episode 1
I want you to be part of that whole.
Norman: "Hey... are you happy, Mom?"
Isabella: "Yes. I am happy. Because I was able to meet someone like you."
Even if it's impossible, I want to escape with everyone. Let's figure it out. I don't want all of us to die. But there's no option to leave them behind. I want Conny to be the last. I don't want anyone to end up like that ever again. If there isn't one, then let's make a place for humans to live outside. Let's change the world.
We're family that grew up together. Even if that person gets in the way, betrays us, or says I'm naïve, I want to believe in that person!
Hey, Mom. Why did you give birth to me?
I swear. I'll never do it again. Let's all escape from here together.
The escape will succeed.
So you were planning to return from the start, huh? You said so yourself, right? That we'll stay alive together! But you were already planning to.
I'm going to return to Grace Field within the next two years. We're going to save the rest of our family that we left behind, the ones that were 4 and younger, and we'll lead them and all those bred for food over to the human world. Come with us, mister, to the human world. Let's go see the world our friends wanted to see!
There's no more lying, so let me ask again. If we mess up, we die. The outside world is, at worst, a world filled with demons. Even so, will you run away with us?
You already know by now, right? I set a trap for three people. To Don, I said the rope was under my bed. To Gilda, I said the second floor bathroom's ceiling. That's what I told you, Ray. But actually, I told Don it was in the dining hall, and told Gilda it was in the library. Then the rope that was under my bed disappeared. Then what about the other two locations? Should we go check them now?
Norman: "'No matter who it is, I won't let you escape.' That's probably what Mom wants to say."
Emma: "Mom is... an enemy."
Is this place a farm? Are we all... food? No, it can't be!
Would you leave that person behind? Or take them with us?
Isn't this the greatest? The perfect corer with the set shipment date will burn up. She won't be able to abandon me. I've been waiting for this day. I decided this a long time ago. Many, many years ago. It's a childish retaliation. You know what, Emma? I've never really been interested in studying or reading. But I endured it, and I worked hard to improve my value to the highest it could be. Twelve years. I'm a feast that they've been waiting for. I'm going to take that away from them tonight. Right before the harvest, they've been looking forward to. Don't think you can eat me. Don't think you can serve me. Food? Merchandise? I don't give a crap! I'm a human being! Serves them right!
1988 hat Sacramento ein gewaltiges Wachstum erlebt. Die Leute kauften Häuser, es wurde viel neu gebaut.
Worst Roommate Ever - Staffel 1 Episode 1
There's no one alive who doesn't get lonely. Just a lot of people are good at hiding it. They all fill the void in their heart with work or significant others.
Kazu-chin, you ain't supposed to let your d-ck dictate your love life.
Some nights, you may want to die if you don't have company. And some "good-byes" can only be healed by a "see you again".
Not being able to let go shows how much you care. Much better than a relationship you can easily forget.
If there's something you want, you have to go all-out to claim it for yourself. Life's more fun that way.
Life isn't as easy as you think, but it ain't as hard as people make it out to be.
If you can't treat the girl who chose to be with you right, you're a lost cause.
Don't bad mouth my Kazuya-san!
When you let reality win and stop dreaming, you die inside.
Sure, you don't talk much, but it was painfully obvious just how hard you tried to make this a fun date.
There are way too many cute girls in the world, man.
She was the first girlfriend I ever had, and she dumped me after just one month?
I've fallen in love with someone else! Let's break up, okay?
New girlfriend a month after breaking up? Is he trying to get back at me or something? What was her name again? Chizuko? Tsuruko? Can't remember. Can't believe he sided with her against me. I'll make sure they break up.
If I can't evolve, I'm just trash.
A girl like Mizuhara would never date someone like me. It was all an illusion because a rental girlfriend was all I could hope for.
Holly ist mit Abstand das beste, das dieser Firma passiert ist, seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg.
Michael Scott in The Office - Staffel 4 Episode 14
Jacob's sibling: "Are you ready for this, Bill?"
Bill Weasley: "Ready? This is my time to stop talking about being a Curse-Breaker and actually being one."
Wir brauchen Erinnerungen. Ohne sie sind wir blind. Ohne sie überlassen wir dem Zufall das Schicksal unserer Welt.
Albus Dumbledore in Phantastische Tierwesen - 3: Dumbledores Geheimnisse
Ob mit dir oder ohne dich - ich brenne ihre Welt nieder.
Gellert Grindelwald in Phantastische Tierwesen - 3: Dumbledores Geheimnisse
Ob euer Gott Odin ist oder Christus, bedeutet mir nichts. Nur euer Mut bedeutet mir etwas! Und nur eure Ehre! Dieses Blut ist nicht mein Blut. Es ist unser Blut, es ist Wikingerblut!
Harald Sigurdsson in Vikings: Valhalla - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Wenn Unkraut wächst inmitten der Gärste, gibt es nur einen Weg, das Feld zu reinigen.
König Æthelred II in Vikings: Valhalla - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Ihr seid hier für eure Familien! Ihr seid hier für eure Ehre! Ihr seid außerdem hier weil ihr Wikinger seid!
Olaf Haraldsson in Vikings: Valhalla - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Rache ist das Motiv der Haiden.
Olaf Haraldsson in Vikings: Valhalla - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Harald: "Ich bin beeindruckt."
Freydis: "Dann bist du leicht zu beeindrucken."
Harald: "Ich weiß nicht. Meine Ansprüche sind recht hoch."
Freydis: "Wie die meinen."
Freydis Eriksdotter in Vikings: Valhalla - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Deine christliche Mission solltest du vielleicht nicht ganz so eng fassen, Halbbruder. Das könnte möglicherweise dir und deinem Heiland mehr dienen letzten Endes.
Harald Sigurdsson in Vikings: Valhalla - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Englische Übersetzungen zeigen?