Zitate und Sprüche aus The Imitation Game

Zitate und Sprüche aus The Imitation Game

The Imitation Game des Regisseurs Morten Tyldum ist eine dramatisierte Filmbiografie über den britischen Logiker, Mathematiker, Kryptoanalytiker und Informatiker Alan Turing. Die Hauptrollen spielen Benedict Cumberbatch und Keira Knightley.

Manchmal sind es die Menschen von denen man es sich am wenigsten vorstellen kann, die etwas leisten, was bis dahin unvorstellbar war.
Christopher in The Imitation Game - Ein streg geheimes Leben
Bin ich ein Krimineller? Bin ich ein Kriegsheld?
Alan Turing in The Imitation Game - Ein streg geheimes Leben

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Wenn ich in L.A. leben würde, wäre ich nach einer Woche schizophren.
You're not in America now, you're in Ireland. So have a drink and shut up!
Matthew Goode - Leap Year
I'm not posh, not in the slightest. My parents spent some money on my education, but I wasn't born to the purple.
One of the fears of having too much work is not having time to observe. And once you get recognised, there is nowhere for you to look any more. You can't sit on a night bus and watch it all happen.
Our daily lives are so mundane, we get taken over by what is immediately in front of us and we don't see beyond that.
I'm not confident in social situations; just going up to someone in a bar and saying 'Hi' is going to be even more difficult because they won't know the real me. They will just know me as a fictional person I play on the screen.
A woman who knows that she doesn't have to get all decked out to look good is sexy. A woman who can make you feel smart with her conversation skills is also sexy. I believe the sense of humor is important.
Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame.
Ich mache gerade einen Film mit einer Menge Kerlen, am Ende wird mir vermutlich ein Bart wachsen.
Piratenfilme kann man nicht jeden Tag drehen, das sollte man nicht verpassen.
Als ich ungefähr 5 war, wollte ich unbedingt Pirat sein.
I don't have a problem with my body. I'm not just going to strip off all my clothing, but if the part calls for it and I don't think there's any way round, I'm absolutely fine.
At this particular time, I probably am more comfortable with myself. Just now I'm having a lovely time.

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Matthew GoodeBenedict CumberbatchKeira KnightleyDie schönsten FilmzitateFilmzitate
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