Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 209)

Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 209)

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Ich habe mir sehr viel mehr Gedanken um meine Biografie als um meine Ehen gemacht. Von einem Buch kann man sich nicht scheiden lassen.
My first year of pro ball I played in the Northwest league and made the all-star team, and the next year I played I led the team in hitting and was third or fifth in the league.
If it hadn't been for the videocassette, I may not have had a career at all.
The Lord opened the understanding of my unbelieving heart, so that I should recall my sins.
I am Patrick, a sinner, most uncultivated and least of all the faithful and despised in the eyes of many.
I started playing ball when I was a kid. My dad was a pro ball player and he passed on his knowledge to me.
I usually hang out on the set. I get to know everybody. I have a nice time with the other actors.
No one should ever say that it was my ignorance if I did or showed forth anything however small according to God's good pleasure; but let this be your conclusion and let it so be thought, that - as is the perfect truth - it was the gift of God.
Das Später ist das angebrochene Heute.
(Jenni Mitkovic)
Wer eine fleißige Frau will, der wird sie verlieren.
(Jenni Mitkovic)
Verkünde deine Moral und ich empfange deine Schwäche.
(Jenni Mitkovic)
Wildheit siegt, Wildheit liebt.
(Jenni Mitkovic)
Wer nicht in jedem Detail seines Lebens ein Exzentriker ist, wird in irgendeinem Sektor seines Lebens als Kopie sterben.
(Jenni Mitkovic)
Wer andere zur Mäßigung zwingt, muss den Sturm in ihnen ertragen lernen.
(Jenni Mitkovic)
Wir haben heute unsere G7-Partner informiert, dass wir vorschlagen eine vorübergehende Beschränkung nicht unbedingt notwendiger Reisen in die Europäische Union einzuführen.
Ich hab' fast alle Menschen lieb
Aber was, wenn fast jeden Tag ein Mord geschieht
Bei dem der Gast dem Gastgeber ein Leben stiehlt?
Da muss ich harte Worte wählen
Denn keiner darf meine Leute quälen
Xavier Naidoo - März 2020
Es ist heute der 20. September, ein sogenannter Friday for Future, FFF. Dreimal F. F ist am sechsten Platz im Alphabet. Dreimal F, in dem Fall 666. Da weiß man auch wieder, wer dahintersteckt.
Geisterspiele werden in der Zukunft die einzige Überlebenschance für die Bundesliga sein.
Christian Seifert (als DFL Vorsitzender) - März 2020
Ich bin gegen jede Art von Zensur, dieses Thema war mir schon immer sehr wichtig.
Sich trauen, alleine zu sein, erfordert viel Mut; viele würden lieber ihrem schlimmsten Feind im Kampf gegenüber stehen, als sich ihren eigenen Herzen zu stellen.
A monoculture is not only Hollywood, but Americans trying to export democracy.
I left the ending ambiguous, because that is the way life is.
I remember being young in the 1960s... we had a great sense of the future, a great big hope. This is what is missing in the youth today. This being able to dream and to change the world.
I don't film messages. I let the post office take care of those.
Ladies of Fashion starve their happiness to feed their vanity, and their love to feed their pride.
To be obliged to beg our daily happiness from others bespeaks a more lamentable poverty than that of him who begs his daily bread.
True contentment depends not upon what we have; a tub was large enough for Diogenes, but a world was too little for Alexander.
The study of mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness but ends in magnificence.
I don't compare 'em, I just catch 'em.
Baseball is a game, yes. It is also a business. But what is most truly is is disguised combat. For all its gentility, its almost leisurely pace, baseball is violence under wraps.
Sein restliches Leben mit ein und der selben Person zu verbringen klingt sehr eintönig.
Every time I look at my pocketbook, I see Jackie Robinson.
I am truly independently owned and operated.
I've had plenty of big hits and plenty of big misses.
I think I was the best baseball player I ever saw.
If you can do that - if you run, hit, run the bases, hit with power, field, throw and do all other things that are part of the game - then you're a good ballplayer.
Any band that is out there chasing it is doing more destruction to music then someone who is out there playing what they truly feel.
Thoroughly read all your contracts. I really mean thoroughly.
The truth is I was suffering from bipolar disorder. It went on for 18 months, during which I changed four doctors, the medication wasn't working on me, and crazy things were happening.
I'm addicted to creating and writing.
Everything I wear is custom made.
Every revolutionary poet or lyricist has been criticised for something. If you come up with something new, there will always be people who will object to it.
When some artistes give a hit song, they keep repeating themselves in the same genre. I always try to create something new.
My acting is still being recognized for the fact that I wasn't nominated.
You can't have a relationship when you're shooting a 14-hour day and your husband is shooting a 14-hour day in the same city. It's a time thing and it's a together thing.
I find it a turnoff whenever men aren't into some kind of sport. And, no, video games don't count. I dated a guy who was into video games, and I wanted to shoot myself.
I had cut myself off from everyone. I didn't come out of my room, forget stepping out of the house. I had a beard, and I didn't get a haircut for months. For someone who has performed in front of a crowd of 20,000, I was scared of facing 4-5 people. That's what bipolar disorder does to you.
I think what destroys Hollywood marriages is our work schedule, not so much infidelity.
I think of horror films as art, as films of confrontation. Films that make you confront aspects of your own life that are difficult to face. Just because you're making a horror film doesn't mean you can't make an artful film.
All stereotypes turn out to be true. This is a horrifying thing about life. All those things you fought against as a youth: you begin to realize they're stereotypes because they're true.
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